David Rothschild

Web Developer


David Rothschild

San Francisco, CA

(646) 489-4591


LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/drothschild1

GitHub: github.com/drothschild

AngelList: angel.co/david-rothschild-2


  • Proficient: JavaScript, jQuery, jQueryUI, Webpack, Ruby, Rails, PHP, SQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, HTML5, CSS3, HAML, Sass, SCSS, AWS (S3, RDS), TDD, RSpec, Factory_Girl, Git, Redis
  • Exposure: ReactJS, Redux, Node.js, iOS, Swift, MongoDB, Capybara


Software Engineer, Contract | Senior and Disability Action | San Francisco, CA        2016 - 2016

  • Optimized dynamic updates to curb map by >60% with Paperclip integration into Rails to render image files.
  • Incorporated Google Maps API into Rails backend to track and store geolocation of curbs in AWS S3 buckets.
  • Minimized page refresh by 90% through utilizing jQuery to send AJAX requests to Rails API for record data.
  • Refactored geolocation algorithm in JavaScript to increase load speed of page to < 2 seconds from 10 seconds.
  • Utilized HAML and Rails partials to reduce frontend codebase by ~50% and improve overall maintainability.

Web Developer + Database Developer | Rothschild Solutions | San Francisco, CA        2011 - 2016

  • Engineered consulting platform for database solutions using PHP and JavaScript with Drupal to provide insight into DB issues and architecting large relational solutions.
  • Re-designed UI and backend SQL DB for talent management company to better connect artists and agencies.
  • Advised multiple non-profit clients on database solutions, providing cost-benefit analysis between MySQL relational database and Salesforce backend service.
  • Reconfigured entire networking system of 14+ person office through resolving IP conflicts and optimizing LAN.

Database Developer | T-Systems | New York, NY        2009 - 2010

  • Designed, implemented and maintained MySQL DBs in 22 business units across 5 continents.
  • Constructed database reports utilizing PHP and MySQL coordinating transfer of 7,000+ entries of financial data from worldwide production subsidiaries to one web-based reporting tool.
  • Improved speed of EDI transfer of landline data by 99% creating push button system with SQL and scripting.

Database Developer | AbelCine | New York, NY        2005 - 2008

  • Enabled company’s secural of $20 million in business loans by architecting 45 table SQL database to handle storage of 90,000+ items for >6,000 customers for company’s West Coast expansion.
  • Allowed for company expansion of ~$65 million in revenue over 3 years by designing and developing  internal POS, inventory, shipping, repair and allocation system to track history of assets from purchase to sale.


Software Engineer | Circuit Board Flags        2016

Web tool and ecommerce platform where circuit board enthusiasts can create and ship LED designs of their favorite flags.

  • Saved engineering team ~3 hours weekly in debugging front-end views through incorporating Redux into ReactJS components for predictable state management.
  • Utilized Webpack build tool to compile ES6 with Babel and bundling scripts served by an Express server.

Software Engineer | Mod Resume | live | code        2016

Resume builder with drag-and-drop interface for freelancers to create customizable resumes tailored to specific jobs.

  • Reduced Ruby on Rails model size by ~70% with ActiveRecord concerns to create polymorphic relationships to allow each resume asset to have a different structure but be treated the same by the enclosing resume.
  • Created frontend pop-ups for entering resume data and improving UI/UX utilizing JavaScript and jQueryUI.
  • Achieved ~75% coverage of Ruby on Rails codebase with 70+ unit tests written with RSpec and Factory_Girl.
  • Incorporated WYSIWYG Text Editing into resume building using TinyMCE library and JavaScript.


Oberlin College, B.A. English, Minor: Computer Science